Every website that is online is using website hosting. Website hosting is the ability to have a website be online 24/7. The site files need to be stored on a machine running at all times. We offer web hosting plans to our clients, even if they didn’t have their website created by us. We can even point your domain to our server, modify any DNS settings that you may need to be changed, and you will also get full hosting support.
Unlike web hosting from other companies such as GoDaddy, Bluehost, Hostgator, etc., we supply our clients with better web hosting services. Typically when you purchase web hosting from these other companies for your site, you are given very small amounts of hard drive space, bandwidth, FTP accounts, databases, and a lot more. This is mostly for their popular low-priced hosting packages. We’ve had clients that have actually come to us when previously using one of those other companies. Below are our web hosting packages. We only provide Linux-based hosting though. We also provide website maintenance and support plans for WordPress sites.

Web Hosting Packages
Basic Hosting
- 6 GB of Hard Drive Space
- 100 GB of Monthly Bandwidth
- cPanel Access
- 5 FTP Accounts
- 50 Email Accounts
- 5 Email Lists
- 5 Databases
- 5 Sub Domains
- Daily Backups
- (1) Free Self-signed SSL
- Full Hosting Support
- Free CloudFlare CDN
- Optimized Web Performance*
- Elementor Pro (included for Smart Web Creative-built WordPress sites)
Advanced Hosting
- 12 GB of Hard Drive Space
- 250 GB of Monthly Bandwidth
- cPanel Access
- 10 FTP Accounts
- 50 Email Accounts
- 10 Email Lists
- 10 Databases
- 10 Sub Domains
- Daily Backups
- (1) Free Self-signed SSL
- Full Hosting Support
- Free CloudFlare CDN
- Optimized Web Performance*
- Elementor Pro (included for Smart Web Creative-built WordPress sites)
Premium Hosting
- 20 GB of Hard Drive Space
- Unlimited Bandwidth
- cPanel Access
- Unlimited FTP Accounts
- Unlimited Email Accounts
- Unlimited Email Lists
- Unlimited Databases
- Unlimited Sub Domains
- Daily Backups
- (1) Free Self-signed SSL
- Full Hosting Support
- Free CloudFlare CDN
- Optimized Web Performance*
- Elementor Pro (included for Smart Web Creative-built WordPress sites)
*Optimized web performance is included on WordPress-based websites only and they must be hosted with Smart Web Creative. Optimized web performance does not guarantee a perfect speed and optimization score for your website.
Websites that are not made by us will have a one-time $35 setup fee. $65 Website transfer service fee for each website, including website files, database, and DNS redirect. Exclusions apply – e.g. complex website builds, virus-infected files, etc. $15 for each Webmail account created if needed. $25 transfer fee for each email account if wanting to use Webmail. Up to 1GB per Webmail account, $15 charge for each GB over.
Reasons to Host With Us
99.9% Uptime Guarantee
Have your website managed with fast, secure and reliable web hosting and 99.9% up-time.
Optimized Web Performance
Get optimized performance for page speed scores. On WP websites only.
Free SSL Certificate
Let your users know that your take your security seriously.
cPanel Access
All of our hosting plans come with cPanel access, giving you more flexibility for what you need.
Daily Backups
If your website breaks for any reason, we can restore from the previous day with up to one-week retention.
Up-to-Date Server & OS
We ensure that your the server and operating system your website is on is up-to-date.
Web Maintenance & Support
We offer additional web maintenance and support on any of our hosting plans with a WordPress-based website.
Frequently Asked Questions
When choosing a hosting provider for your website, there are a lot of options that are presented where it might get confusing. Understanding what there is to know about hosting can help you make a more educated decision.
Web hosting is a must if you have a website, otherwise your site wouldn’t be available online. Smart Web Creative offers web hosting which is highly recommended.
You do have the option to go elsewhere to purchase web hosting, but we’ll need access to your server to upload the completed website and also to address any maintenance. Do know that it does make it difficult if problems arise on your website due to conflicts with how your server is setup.
While many of our services are budget-friendly, hosting costs can be a little daunting. The reason for this is due to our costs for running our servers. Now, there are other hosting companies such as GoDaddy, Bluehost, and HostGator, to name a few that you are welcome to use. However, we do not recommend going with these companies unless you are comfortable with their services and limited features which can be frustrating.
We see your website as your online storefront. The hosting for it should be just as important as the website itself. We strive to have your site load quickly, with security and backups in mind. Additionally, you won’t have to deal with the headache of those other companies since our team will be handling all technical aspects.
Other hosting companies may have cheaper hosting rates, but you pay a-la-carte for everything you need at first. Most of the time afterwards, you will probably need additional features which will cost your business hundreds more each year. We include these features such as website security, speed, and SSL certificates at no additional cost.
Most of the time when you host with a standard hosting company, they will do very little to maintain your site with your hosting. Any updates that your hosting needs will be ignored. However, with us, we make sure that the updates for hosting are up-to-date and we do everything we can to fix any errors that may arise with your hosting experience. Since your website will be hosted with us, it is a lot easier and faster for us to solve the issue than hitting road blocks with another hosting company.
Additionally, if you experience problems with your hosting, you will be dealing directly with us and not some foreign customer service representative that knows nothing about your site.
There are times when your website will need an upgraded web hosting package. This could be due to needing more hard drive space, monthly bandwidth, FTP accounts, etc. If you need to upgrade during your annual web hosting, we’ll just have you pay the difference for the rest of that year that you purchased the web hosting. When it comes time to renew your web hosting, you will then pay the new upgraded web hosting package.
Yes. A lot of design companies won’t mention recurring costs until it’s too late. At the least, you will need to pay for web hosting, annual domain name registration, domain privacy (if needed), and an annual trusted CA signed SSL certificate (if needed).
Smart Web Creative offers web hosting services to its clients along with an SSL certificate.
Domain name registration and domain privacy are not handled by Smart Web Creative. It’s easier for a client to purchase those separately as they own and control their domain name. However, we do offer assistance when trying to purchase a domain name.
Contact us immediately. If your site is hosted with Smart Web Creative, we can almost always resolve the issue within a reasonable amount of time.
If you’re hosted with a third-party, it’s more difficult to address what the issue is and in some cases could be on their end. In any case, we’ll try to find out what went wrong and let you know.
Yes. While hosting with Smart Web Creative, you can have up to 50 email accounts on any of our hosting packages. Since you have cPanel access, you could set up your own email accounts. But we do offer email account creation at an additional cost.