In need of a local graphic designer in Las Vegas? There are many graphic design businesses throughout Clark County. They all have their differences in the services and quality of design that they offer. So, how do you know which graphic designer is better than the other? Well, you should take a look at a few key elements that might help you narrow your decision down. With any local graphic designer in Las Vegas, you as a business owner should look at three main elements that differentiate one designer from another.
First, take a look at their work. Almost every graphic designer should have a portfolio of some sort, whether it’s on their own website or some other site, or an in-person portfolio. You should check out their work. Even though design is subjective, pretty much anyone can tell the difference between good design and bad design. If you like the way they design, chances are they can design whatever you need in the same way.
Secondly, you should see what else they’re capable of. Of course they do graphic design, but what else can they offer to your business? Some graphic designers may offer other services like photography, web design, or even graphic art. Depending on the type of business you have could determine what other services you may need. The good thing about finding a designer that can do other services is that they may have package deals for you. Instead of just using them for graphic design and then going to another person that does websites, you could save some money by getting some sort of bundle. For example, what if your business needs a logo and a website? Some graphic designer companies offer website packages that include basic logo design. Alone, you would be saving around $100 by having the same business create your logo.
Last thing is to see how much they charge for design. This part is a little tricky though. You don’t want to have a designer that charges really low for their design services. It may sound great to get some design for let’s say $15 an hour, but think about. The quality of their work is probably worth that. Most of the time, when a designer charges this low, chances are they’re just starting out, so be prepared to have a rough design process ahead. Then again you don’t want to have a designer that charges way too much, and by that I mean like anything $80 or more an hour. Most designers that charge a price like this are just price gauging you at this point. Try to stay somewhere in the middle.
With deciding on a designer based off these three elements, you should be able to narrow down a good designer. You’ll be happy that you did.